Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Dad's Advice

To: Beth
Love, Dad
Dated 5/25/2007
My dad made me a book of advice right before I left for college and I still have it :)

Compliment three people each day.

Watch a sunrise at least once a year.

Overtip breakfast waitresses.

Look people in the eye.

Say "please" and "thank you" a lot.

Live beneath your means.

Buy whatever kids are selling on card tables in their front yards.

Treat everyone you meet as you want to be treated.

Make new friends but cherish the old ones.

Keep secrets.

Don't waste time learning the "tricks of the trade". Instead, learn the trade.

Admit your mistakes.

Be brave. Even if you're not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference.

Read the Bill of Rights.

Use credit cards only for convenience, never for credit.

Never cheat.

Give yourself a year and read the Bible cover to cover.

Learn to listen. Opportunity sometimes knocks very softly.

Pray not for things, but for wisdom and courage.

Never take action when you are angry.

Have good posture. Enter a room with purpose and confidence.

Don't discuss business in elevators or bathrooms. You never know who may overhear you.

Never pay for work before it's complete.

Be willing to lose the battle in order to win the war.

Don't gossip.

Beware of the person who has nothing to lose.

When facing a difficult task, act as though it is impossible to fail.

Don't spread yourself too thin. Learn to say no politely and quickly.

Don't expect life to be fair.

Work hard in all you do and keep a positive attitude and things will turn for your benefit.

Never underestimate the power of forgiveness.

Never walk out on a quarrel with your spouse.

Be compassionate. If you give a lesson in meanness to an animal or person don't be surprised if they learn it.

Set goals for yourself- determine how you will achieve them and stick with your plan.

Regarding purchase items: if you think you will be using them five years or longer, buy the best you can afford, recognize quality and simplicity over inferiority and features.

Be bold and courageous. When you look back over your life, you'll regret the things you did not do more than the ones you did.

When faced with a serious health problem, get at least three medical opinions.

Don't procrastinate. Do what needs to be done when it needs to be done. Daily make a list of things to do.

Get your priorities in life straight- know what is important to you.

Watch what you eat, get some exercise and a good night's sleep.

Don't be afraid to say, "I don't know."

Make a list of 25 things you want to experience before you die. Carry it in your wallet and refer to it often.

Call your mother.

With much love,

Quotes to Inspire

Dream as if you'll live forever, live as though you could die today.

Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live.

One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it’s worth watching.

Dreams are like stars...you may never touch them, but if you follow them they will lead you to your destiny.

When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me."

You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them.

Give thanks for what you are now, and keep fighting for what you want to be tomorrow.

Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.

Whatever you are be a good one. -Abraham Lincoln

To wish you were someone else is to waste the person you are.

Believe in your dreams and they may come true; believe in yourself and they will come true.

Why compare yourself with others? No one in the world can do a better job of being you than you.

Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do.

Go out in the world and work like money doesn't matter, Sing as if no one is listening, Love as if you have never been hurt, and Dance as if no one is watching.

Listen to your heart above all other voices.

To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.

Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.

A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.

When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place.

When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.

When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

Do what you can, where you are, with what you have.

You must be the change you wish to see in the world. And you must do the thing you think you cannot do.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.

Never let the odds keep you from doing what you know in your heart you were meant to do.

Do one thing every day that scares you.

Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart.

As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person.

When odds are one in a million, be that one.

When you choose to live your life with purpose, you will reveal the purpose of your life. - Mike Jones

Act as if you were already happy and that will tend to make you happy.

They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for.

You grow up on the day you have your first real laugh at, yourself.

God often attaches a major weakness to a major strength to keep our egos in check. –Colin Creel

Every situation is ordained for a purpose. The choice is yours whether you decide to embrace or escape the experience. –Colin Creel

If others define you, you will forever be changing shape until you are just a blob of random traits and habits that were never yours to start with. - Colin Creel

Guard against the tyranny of the urgent. The most important things will seldom scream for your attention, they will simply wait for you to discover them.-Charles Swindoll

Wherever you are, be all there. - Jim Elliot

I believe a man does what he can until his destiny is revealed. -The Last Samurai

Some of God’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers. –Garth Brooks

If every moment of your day is schedules, how and when does God lead you? –Colin Creel

The harder the struggle, the greater the reward. –Phil Mickelson

The unexamined life is not worth living.- Socrates

Attempt something so great for God that it’s doomed to failure unless God be in it. –D.L. Moody

Anything worth doing is worth doing well.

Things happen in God’s timing, not ours.

The yearning to attach and connect, to love, and to be loved is the fiercest longing of the soul.

People are in your life for a reason. The Lord will teach you lessons until you understand.

If there is no wind, row. If you want it, make it happen. –Mike Jones

Success doesn’t come to you, you go to it.

In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks. -John Muir

My Favorite Bible Verses

In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps. -Proverbs 16:9

Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires. Sol. 2:7

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. -Josh 1:9

When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. –Psalm 139:14-16

Delight yourself in the Lord and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass. –Psalm 37:4-5

To whom much is given, much is demanded. –Luke 12:48

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. –Col. 3:23

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. –Proverbs 27:17

My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in your weakness. -2 Cor. 12:9

If you find honey, eat just enough- too much of it, and you will vomit. –Proverbs 25:16

There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the sun. –Eccles 3:1

My soul finds rest in God alone. –Psalm 62:1

Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete. -James 1:2

Lessons to Remember 81-94

81. Don't eat canned goods with dents or if it appears to be bulging. When in doubt, throw it out.

82. Never scoop ice with a glass cup, it's unsanitary and if it breaks you won't be able to find all the pieces in the ice.

83. Never text something that you wouldn't want someone else to see, you might mess up and accidentally send it to that person. Oopsies.

84. People enjoy receiving hand written letters.

85. Do one thing everyday that scares you.

86. If the bus driver pulls over and jumps off your bus, get off at this time too!

87. Give to others freely, seeking nothing in return.

88. Hold onto your water bottle when you are getting onto the bus and don't put it on the bottom shelf in the dishwasher. You could lose it under the bus or melt it in the machine.

89. Don't say nigga or nig. It's not ok to say that.

90. Don't carry a box full of spices and cooking oils. If you drop it, you're going to have some serious problems. Haste makes waste!

91. If your dog looks really dehydrated and is panting, stop running with him and spray him down with a hose! Get him water.

92. Jamba Juice extra energy boosts are amazing.

93.If you’re skiing and you start falling down the mountain, just roll and let go of your poles.

94. Be thankful for what God has given you, because he gave it to you for a reason.


71. Always carry cash with you, you never know when you might really need it.

72. Take each day, one day at a time and don't look back.

73. If you think you have the flu, listen to your body. It might be the swine flu, especially if you have a 105 fever....Call mom but don't tell her that you dying, she won't like that.

74. If the power goes out while you're getting your haircut, come back when it's fixed. And don't give your number to just anybody.

75. Don't drive with your windows foggy, especially while talking on the phone- it's dangerous.

76. If your finger feels broken, it probably is. Get an x-ray.

77. Never text someone something that would be better said in person. Misinterpretation happens and you can't take it back.

78. Tie a knot on your bag for fruit at HEB so your apples don't fall out all over the floor.

79. Eight Wonders of the World- Christ the Redeemer in Brazil, Colosseum in Italy, Petra Jordan, Great Pyramids in Egypt, Taj Mahal in India, Great Wall of China, Chichen Itza Mexico, and Machu Picchu Peru.

80. If someone tries to rob you, act ghetto like them and pretend it's no big deal or just yell and say, "I don't think you realize where you are son!"

I learned this lesson when I was almost robbed while getting my haircut...

Life Lessons 61-70

61. You never know what day will be your last, so let the ones you know how much you love them, today.

62. Don't snack on coffee beans.

63. Never stand on a feather couch, you could fall through and break it.

64. Don't buy your textbooks in advance, it's more trouble than it is helpful.

65. Listen to your intuition, it knows what's up.

66. It's ok to change your plans. They're not meant to be set in stone.

67. Measure twice, cut once.

68. Don't eat raw oysters, you could get hepatitis.

69. Don't expect anything and you'll never be disappointed.

70. If you're driving and something doesn't feel right, look at your tire it may be flat...


51. It's probably best not to buy a big bag of Pita chips from Costco. They taste too good and the bag is too big.

52. Texting while driving is not a good idea.

53. Never take more than two benadryll at one time. It's hard to wake back up!

54. Always buy less fruit than you think you'll need. You don't want it to go bad before you can eat it all!

55. You can't change people, they have to first want to change themselves.

56. Never tell someone that they smell bad, especially on Mother's Day.

57. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

58. Always check a reusable water bottle before you drink from it, someone might have spit their gum in the bottom of it. You might want to see that before you fill it back up again.

59. If you wave to people when you try to switch lanes in traffic, it will make them happy.

60. Purchase new tennis shoes every 4-5 months and your feet will thank you.

Chalk Talk

41. If the milk tastes funny, check the expiration date.

42. If you end up driving the wrong way down a one-way street- stay calm and steer fast!

43. Before giving CPR, check and make sure the scene is safe.

44. Don't wear your silver jewelry in the swimming pool, it tarnishes it.

45. Always check the html address before entering in personal information- make sure it says https (secure)

46. You can't make people like you, they either do or they don't.

47. Try not to be in such a hurry, it makes things more stressful.

48. At the beginning of ever new semester and year, make a list of goals and resolutions to inspire you and put it up in your room.

49. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not upon your own understanding.

50. You don't have to be the best or win everything. Just do the best you can.

Lessons continued...

31. While going to tutoring may be exhausting, it will pay off in the end to really understand something.

32. You can't make yourself love someone, it has to come naturally.

33. If there are ants in your room and on your stuff, look at your electric appliances as a possible source, not just the window.

34. Saying hi is better than not saying anything at all. Howdy is even better.

35. When something great happens to you or what you had been wishing for comes true, Praise God and thank Him.

36. If someone hands you a free dollar bill, take it and don't ask questions about why.

37. Though it isn't always easy, treat your mom as you would your best friend.

38. Don't worry so much about the future, it will take care of itself.

39. If you tryout or apply for something and you don't get chosen for, believe that God has something better in store waiting for you.

40. Don't keep reliving the past. It's over and you can't go back.

Oh Life.

21. Never wave at a guy through a window. He might be going to the restroom.

I was helping volunteer at Big Event, a community service project at Texas A&M and my job was to clean the windows of a house from the outside. Well I noticed a guy inside looking ahead and I waved to him and smiled and he looked horrified. Then I realized I was washing the the bathroom window...

22. If someone is walking around with chains on their ankles and wrists, don't ask them if they need help.

I saw this girl walking across campus with chains on and I said, "Are you ok?" And she told me she fine. She was just promoting a campaign to stop slavery in foreign countries.

23. Lemonade, chocolate, and vegetables don't mix well. Probably not the best idea to eat these at the same time.

24. Don't label something important with it's name like "Scantron Folder" because people will steal your scantrons.

25. If it tastes really spicy and it burns your tongue, don't continue to eat it!

26. Treat yourself every now and then, you deserve it.

27. If someone asks you randomly, "Do you know him?" They're probably referring to God so just say yes, it will save you some hassle.

28. Have your key in hand when walking to your car and get in fast.

29. Don't buy carob chips.

30. If you're going to pick a flower from someone's yard, do it fast...and watch out for snakes!

Lessons to Remember 11-20

11. To keep your teeth white, drink coffee and soda pop from a straw.

12. Nothing could be worse than drinking a gallon of warm flavored prune juice...

One time I got really sick and I had to get an x-ray of my abdomen. I'll never forget the nasty taste of this juice I had to drink for the x-ray.

13. Don't skimp on hair products, face care, make-up, contacts, jeans, and shoes. Stuff you use everyday should be good quality.

14. Remember to take your credit card out of the ATM machine...

15. If you get lost while you are driving, pull over and get the map out.

16. Don't wear your good earrings while you are out shopping and trying on clothes- you might lose them!

17. Don't lie down immediately after eating, you might get major heartburn.

18. Never participate in a sport that requires you to get up at 3:45am.

Short story, I tried out for the rowing team. Met at the lake at 4am and rowed for 3 hours before school started. Then they asked me if I was ready for the race that weekend. I politely declined that one haha.

19. Drinking wine before a math test doesn't calm your nerves.

I had a math tutor who told us to take a sip of wine to help calm our nerves before our test in the morning. Well I thought it couldn't hurt to try and everyone around me kept wondering where the alcohol smell was coming from. Not a good idea because I was even more worried about that, than the test itself!

20. Remember the lessons from the movie "Taken". Don't be so trusting of people. Even good guys can be bad and evil.

Lessons to Remember

1. You don't have to hug strangers, even if they ask for a hug in the supermarket. It's ok not to.

A man once asked me for a hug at HEB and I didn't know what to say so I did. I realized though, you don't have to give random strangers a hug. That's weird.

2. When buying slices of meat, always ask for thin slices.

My mom asked me to get some turkey sliced at the meat counter and the lady asked me how thick to make the slices... well I figured a 3 would be good. The slices came out very thick. Oopsies.

3. Never tell someone you don't want to be their friend anymore. You can't take that back.

4. Don't live your life trying to please someone else. You can't.

5. Don't look at people that seem creepy because they will keep looking at you.

I was riding a train in Italy with my friend one summer and I noticed this weird man staring at me. I kept glancing back to see if he was still looking at me. Ya that made situations worse when I realized he was taking a picture of me with his phone.

6. Don't sit by chocolate. You will eat it all. It will dominate you.

7. It's more important to be honest. In the end, just say what you feel.

I think this is one of the hardest lessons to learn because I never want to hurt anyone's feelings. But I've come to see that it's better to be truthful than to make excuses about your decisions.

8. If you feel the need to tell someone something, like "How are you?" or "Have a good day!" or sending someone a card- act on it because it may be God's way of using you.

9. When trying to lose weight, avoid pasta, rolls, ice cream, and chips.

10. If you get nervous when you are confronting someone about a problem and you don't know what to say, just speak from your heart.