Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Isaiah 55:9

This week marks the two year anniversary of my ankle injury; an injury that ultimately changed my life.

Had you told me that that during this time I would have four surgeries, a three week stay at the Mayo Clinic, countless injections, procedures, medications, casts, braces, and still not have a cure - I'm not sure I would have wanted to hear that. This experience has brought me to my knees - and at times I've wondered if I have the strength to continue the fight. My entire life was built around sports and an active lifestyle. To have that taken away - was and still is hard to accept.

While this may be one of the most trying experiences I've ever had to endure, I think God is teaching me to rest assured in his faithfulness. I have a tendency to try to work everything out on my own, but I believe God is teaching me (though not in the way I would like it!) to live in continual trust with Him. In the storms of this life, the boat will shake and the wind will make us feel like we can't hold on - but we have to believe God is in the boat with us and He is directing the stern. He doesn't ask us to do it on our own - He simply asks us to reach out to Him and take his hand, accepting His will for our life. This was by no means my will but I'm learning to let go and let God.

My lesson for today is to let God calm your storm. Let him hold your hand. We can't do it on our own. Trust He has you just where you need to be.

As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. - Isaiah 55:9

Sunday, April 7, 2013

5 Things I Should Already Know...

1. Possum is actually spelled opossum...

2. It takes 9 months for a human pregnancy...not 12.

3. When ordering a lobster at a restaurant you don't have to call it a red lobster :)

4. You can't have a hernia on your face...

5. There are 50 states in the US and 52 weeks in a year..