Saturday, April 18, 2015

Darkness and Light

As I was walking back to my apartment from the gym this morning, I came across this leaf. Now to many people (myself included) this would appear to be a normal leaf, but on this crisp morning I felt drawn to take a closer look. There was something special about the light.

Staring at the green leaf before me, I heard within my spirit, "Where there is darkness, there too shall be light." I felt reminded that though we may face difficult times in life (darkness as seen on part of the leaf), God is our light and He is with us and will not let us be overcome.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness will not overcome it. - John 1:5

What a beautiful reminder of God's love for us. Hold tight that even in the shadows, there is light.

Be open to hearing the Holy Spirit... He speaks to us in many different and mysterious ways, even through a leaf in the shadows.

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